
This (normally) Halloween Scrooge couldn't help but have a ton of fun this year.

Parties, friends, and family are what this day is all about. And candy and good food.

Eva wore the cutest hand-me-down flower costume. We made Abby's costume this year, using this tutorial. Sarah's butterfly was pieced together at the last minute for our Disneyland trick-or-treating adventure, and she was happy to wear it again.

Our American Gothic costume was thrown together last minute on Halloween day. Those are usually the best kind, aren't they? But it was my mom's costume (whatever it was—80's workout diva?) that took us all out. And all because I made fun of her for wearing that jacket while she was raking leaves the other day. ("What are you wearing, and where did THAT come from?")

Big kids and little kids alike had a great time carving pumpkins. Especially the ones sporting our favorite mascots.

Tasty chili (did I detect a hint of duck?), homemade root beer and ice cream, wriggly worms, and more than enough sugary treats to go around. I shall be on a diet until next year. Or Thanksgiving, at least.

Halloween window painting

Halloween window painting has been a tradition in our small town at least since my dad was a kid. (50 years or more?) Anyway, the highlight of our week was watching Abby paint her window. They are pre assigned a window, and hers was at the H-O Parts Store. This is significant because it drove her theme idea:


Get it? It reads {SALE TODAY, Jack-o-lantern parts. "H-O"ppy "H-O"lloween}

The best part of the whole thing was the "meeting" Abby called the night before to come up with her idea. She set up chairs and her new easel (Thanks, Paula!) and we all contributed ideas, and voted on them. I thought she was pretty clever.

I'm not sure when/if they will announce the winners. Maybe in next week's River Press.