Pinterest challenge—clipboards

Well hello, Tuesday. What happened to your friend Monday? And WHAT DID YOU DO WITH JULY, for that matter? 

It is harvest time here. That means life is flying by with all kinds of business. I must get off the computer as it is my day to cook harvest dinner for the crew and get this house of ours shipped into shape.

But first, have you seen the Pinterest Challenge?

It seems like a great excuse to try out some of those fun back-burner projects. If you follow me on Pinterest, you might have seen this pin, originally from Martha Stewart:

I actually purchased some clip boards ages ago to use in my craft room downstairs, and this challenge was the perfect excuse to drag them out and put them to use. 

I used my clipboards to make an art gallery wall for my kids. We always have artwork laying around the house, each one special in its own right. I love to showcase their art, but I don't love it when they tape it to the walls. So this idea was born.

I left my clipboards unadorned to let their artwork be the star. I did order custom vinyl lettering from Uppercase Living, however, and I love the modern clean look.

And when its time to change out the artwork, I can simply snap a picture of the wall to preserve it forever—kind of like this:

A collection of these photos could make a darling photo book, don't you think?

Join me next Tuesday for another Pinterest Challenge project. I already have one in mind!