Eva is 4 months old today!

Eva at four months is a whopping 16 lbs. 14 oz. (96%)! She is about 83% for height. The doctor said she is doing great. But we already knew that. :) I told my mom today its a good thing she is so cute or we would send her back and get a better sleeper. No, we would never do that. But we might have her "reprogrammed" to sleep better. Ha. If only.

Nevertheless, we are enjoying her so much. Her newest pasttime is rolling over onto her belly. Or doing the half twist as shown below. She doesn't know what to do with herself once she gets there, however.

We braved taking all 3 girls in at once for their well-child visits. Eva and Sarah both had 3 shots each (poor things!) but now Sarah is all ready for Kindergarten. Sarah weighed and measured in the 40% range, while Abby was her typcial 96% for height and low 70s for weight. Tall and slim.

After the doctor visits we did a little scouting for things for our home—a preliminary look at lighting, tile, carpet, etc. It was very overwhelming. I'm actually quite glad I'm not planning the entire house at the same time. I have a feeling I would make alot of rash decisions and compromises if I had to do the entire thing at once. Hopefully, though, I'll be able to show some progress before too long!