Guess who's walking?

Just shy of 17 months, we finally have a toddler on her hands. Kind of. At least now we know she can. She isn't very consistent and still prefers to walk on her knees:
Mom suggested we make bubble wrap bumpers for our fireplace and sharp countertop corners. That'd be a good look, don't you think? 
I am going to have her looked at by the doctor because I've been concerned that her feet point out too far, especially the right one. Now that she is walking it is more pronounced and I'd rather be safe than sorry and intervene early.
Other 17 month updates:
She had her first little injury (fell against a table and cut the inside of her lip) and ended up with a fat lip. It broke my heart. Of course she is okay.
She can get pretty testy sometimes in a mood that could probably only be blamed on serious teething, but I still can only spot 8. Those testy moods and sore lips make it pretty difficult to actually check.
Our conversations go like this:
E: "MOM"
Me: "What?"
E: "MOM"
Me: "What?"
E: "MOM"
Me: "What, Eva, what's up?"
E: "Ga ba do da waaiiii la mo"
Me: "Oh really?"
E: "No."