Operation Lose 10 pounds

Everyone writes about their New Year's resolutions in January, which almost always include some kind of health-related or weight loss goal. I am going to go all non-conformist on you and write about it in February.

Actually, I'm not usually one to share publicly my struggles with weight loss. But I was successful once before—after Abby was born I joined Weight Watchers and lost 35 pounds. I don't really have room in my life right now for that kind of a structured plan, however, so I've been thinking about how to duplicate that recipe of success. I've come up with 2 things: commitment and accountability.

My commitment is this:

I am going to lose 10 pounds. I definitely can stand to lose more, but 10 pounds seems like an acheivable goal for now and will do wonders for helping my clothes fit better.

I am still nursing Eva, so I need to be careful not to over-diet and affect my milk supply. (Especially since Eva refuses a bottle!) I am going to plan on it taking about 2 months.

Instead of counting calories, I'm going to make these adjustments:

1. No limits on fruits and vegetables. I can eat as much as I want.

2. Listening to my hunger cues and stopping when I'm full.

3. When dessert is served, (which is MUCH to often around here), I will only take a very small piece. When it is just our family, I won't be making dessert.

4. No sugary snacks. This is my biggest weakness. But, right here, right now, I am committing to cut them out for 2 months.

5. No bedtime snacks (ice cream)!

6. Exercise.... This one is harder. The roads outside are covered with snow and ice, so that rules out outdoor activities. I can't spend more than a few hours away from Eva, so that makes skiing difficult. Our treadmill is in pieces waiting for our basement to be finished. Maybe I need some snow shoes! My dream would be to have an indoor lap pool. Ha ha. Can you imagine?

As for the accountability—that's you. Keep me honest, my friends! Ask me how I'm doing and I'll give you a report.