the ultimate before picture

Aerial photographers periodically come by to sell their photographs to area farmers. We have a few photos of this house through the years and it is fun to look back and see how it has changed.

Last summer we were approached by one such photographer with some new photos for sale. The date the photographs were taken was June 28, 2010. Which happened to be our very first day in this house here on the farm.

If we were to have a new picture taken one year later, we would already see a few changes. For one, we parked some of the equipment away. (Who am I kidding? On busy summer days like this there is still a miscellany of equipment scattered around.) For another, we have a new roof. And a new swing set.

Some day it will be so fun to look back on this ultimate before photo of the very first day we lived in this house, and see how much it has changed.